Phone: 860.550.7500
= Primary health care sites
= Specialized locations, including school-based care.
Charter Oak Health Center 21 Grand Street, Hartford
Charter Oak Health Center – Bloomfield 693 Bloomfield Avenue, Suite 101, Bloomfield
Charter Oak Health Center – Parkville 693 Bloomfield Avenue, Suite 101, Bloomfield
Charter Oak Health Center – Satellite 401 New Britain Avenue, Hartford
A.I Prince-Regional Vocational Technical School* 401 Flatbush Avenue, Hartford
Health Care for the Homeless Clinic – House of Bread, Hartford* 27 Chestnut Street, Hartford
Health Care for the Homeless Clinic at Open Hearth, Hartford* 437 Sheldon Street, Hartford
Health Care for the Homeless Clinic at South Park Inn, Hartford* 75 Main Street, Hartford
Health Care for the Homeless Clinic at YWCA, Hartford* 135 Broad Street, Hartford
Health Care for the Homeless Clinic/Mercy Housing and Shelter, Hartford* 118 Main Street, Hartford
Immucaulate Conception Shelter, Hartford* 574 Park Street, Hartford
Parkville Community School* 1755 Park St., Hartford
*Specialized or school site